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Pharmacy Benefit Management

Unconventional levels of service, clarity and control

Amongst a healthcare industry where consolidation is prevalent, it can be hard to find a partner with the adaptability to meet your needs. With the unique ability to optimize the full pharmacy care experience, Elixir forms a genuine partnership with our clients to craft solutions to cure their pharmacy benefits challenges.

Who We Serve

Health Plans

Elixir helps health plans grow membership and meet the unique needs of their members, by giving you options and varying levels of plan controls.

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TPAs & Coalitions

From tailored benefits to sell as off-the-shelf plans to customized plan designs, we can collaborate to meet your unique needs and position you for growth.

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One size does not fit all. Elixir offers consultative, dynamic options to help you make the most of your plan benefit while keeping costs contained.

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Public & Labor Groups

Give your members the benefits they want and need. With many multi-employer trust and Taft Hartley clients, we know labor and public sector groups!

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Today's hospice is doing more with less. Elixir can help. You will always pay what we pay for medications, with no hidden fees.

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Hospitals & Health Systems

You know what your patients need, including your employees utilizing their health and prescription benefits. Trust Elixir to bring it all together.

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Our commitment to quality is demonstrated by our numerous industry accreditations and certifications.

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Our Solutions

Elixir offers a consultative, member-focused approach to pharmacy benefits that optimizes the full pharmacy care experience. With our vast knowledge and expertise, we have developed a mix of industry leading solutions to meet your needs.

Our Care Model

Owning all the functions of the full pharmacy care experience, Elixir has developed a care model that meets the needs of your plan.

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Managing Diabetes

Non-Essential Drugs

A trend of new, high-cost drugs being created from existing, lower cost medications has crept into the pharmaceutical industry.

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Opioid Safety

Opioid Safety

Our Pain Management solution provides member education and intervention to help avoid excessive dosing and dangerous drug combinations.

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Our Approach to Speciality

Our Approach to Specialty

Our thoughtful approach to specialty care carefully considers clinical effectiveness, the member experience and economic impact.

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Maintenance Medications

Maintenance Medications

Elixir addresses some of the barriers to adherence with 90-day fills, custom communication and proactive outreach.

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Personal Savings Plan

Personal Savings Plan

Give your members and their dependents discounts on prescriptions not covered by the plan at no additional cost.

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