
Commitment To Quality

Our Accreditations

Acc 1

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) is held by Elixir Pharmacy.

Elixir Pharmacy holds an accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy services from ACHC. ACHC is an independent, non-profit organization that provides accreditation services to the healthcare industry. The ACHC accreditation process ensures an organization's compliance with national standards and reflects dedication and commitment to meeting practices that facilitate a higher level of performance and patient care.

Specialty medications are used to treat complex conditions and require a higher level of care to achieve optimal outcomes. Because of this, ACHC's Specialty accreditation focuses on patient care. The accreditation process, which includes an extensive onsite survey conducted by an industry expert, reviews employees' training and examines patient, prescriber and employee satisfaction levels to ensure patients are receiving robust specialty care.

Acc 2

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): Health Information Product Certification for Pharmacy Benefit Management Information

Health Information Product Certification for Pharmacy Benefit Management Information held by Elixir.

Elixir is one of only three organizations to earn NCQA's Health Information Products (HIP) Certification for Pharmacy Benefits. NCQA is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to improving healthcare quality that accredits and certifies a range of healthcare organizations.

The NCQA HIP Certification for Pharmacy Benefits is a quality assessment program that health plans can use to assess organizations that develop and provide content, tools and services in pharmacy benefits. The process included evaluation of Elixir's management of various aspects of its data collection and systems operation, and the process it uses to continuously improve the services it provides.

Acc 3

National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA): Utilization Management

Accreditation in Utilization Management held by Elixir.

Elixir also holds accreditation in Utilization Management from NCQA. The NCQA Utilization Management Accreditation is a quality assessment program that focuses on consumer protection and improvement in service to customers. Standards recognize that organizations that apply for accreditation have open access networks, and can improve quality and utilize customized structures to meet purchaser needs.

Achieving NCQA Utilization Management Accreditation demonstrates that Elixir has the systems, processes and personnel in place to conduct utilization management in accordance with the strictest quality standards.

URAC: Pharmacy Benefit Management

Accreditation for Pharmacy Benefit Management held by Elixir.

Elixir also holds accreditation in Pharmacy Benefit Management from URAC. URAC's PBM accreditation standards facilitate transparency by ensuring that accredited organizations have a mechanism for clients to verify that financial disclosures are comprehensive and accurate. Customer service and communication are also key elements of URAC's standards, as well as standards for pharmacy distribution channels that address key issues related to access, availability, quality and safety across retail, mail order and specialty pharmacy channels. Accredited organizations must also focus formulary decisions on the safety, efficacy and therapeutic need for drugs first, and focus on cost only after these considerations are met.

URAC accreditation shows that Elixir is a pharmacy benefit management organization able to adhere to standards that cover important aspects of care, such as claims processing, developing proper drug formulary and consumer access.

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URAC: Mail Service Pharmacy

Accreditation for Mail Service Pharmacy held by Elixir Pharmacy.

Elixir Pharmacy holds Mail Service Pharmacy Accreditation from URAC. The URAC Mail Service Pharmacy accreditation shows a commitment to quality improvement, accountability, consumer protection and patient care. It ensures adherence to standards covering organizational quality, customer service, communications and disclosures, drug utilization management, pharmacy operations, and a process to measure mail service outcomes and quality improvement.

Acc 7

URAC: Specialty Pharmacy

Accreditation for Specialty Pharmacy held by Elixir Pharmacy.

Elixir Pharmacy also holds URAC accreditation in Specialty Pharmacy. The URAC Specialty Pharmacy accreditation demonstrates a pharmacy's value in delivering specialized clinical services. It shows a dedication to patient education and safety, and adherence to industry best practices.

The evolving role of specialty pharmacies in serving patients with complex, chronic diseases is critical to improving patient outcomes and financial performance. It's necessary for specialty pharmacies to provide a higher level of treatment for patients so desired outcomes are achieved. Elixir Pharmacy shows a dedication to patient education and safety through the recognition of quality it received with URAC's independent accreditation.


National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®): Digital Pharmacy Accreditation

Accreditation for Digital Pharmacy is held by Elixir Pharmacy.

Elixir Pharmacy is one of less than 100 pharmacy businesses with an online presence selling prescription medication to have the Digital Pharmacy Accreditation. NABP is an impartial professional organization that supports state boards of pharmacy in creating uniform regulations to protect public health. Its Digital Pharmacy Accreditation confirms an online pharmacy's commitment to providing quality healthcare and safe pharmacy practices over the internet.

Through its Digital Pharmacy Accreditation program, NABP assesses U.S.-based online pharmacies to ensure compliance with all state licensing and inspection requirements where the pharmacy practices. The rigorous accreditation process also establishes that the pharmacy meets nationally endorsed standards of pharmacy practice, demonstrates compliance with standards of privacy, provides authentication and security of prescriptions, adheres to quality assurance policies and offers meaningful consultation to patients.